Go Care Ltd

Palliative Care

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Palliative Care

Gocare provides high-quality home care and support to keep you safe and comfortable in your own home.

Our palliative care at-home services can make the most difficult times a little easier to manage. Designed to give an existing, such as a family member, a break from their workload, Our Palliative Care Companions will support you to the exact same standard of care that you’re accustomed to, and are available on a short or long-term basis.

We can support you to maintain stability in the final stages of many terminal illnesses through palliative care for the relief of pain, symptoms, and emotional stress. Ensuring a loved one’s final months, weeks or days are as good as they can require more than just a series of care choices.

Our Palliative Services:

When a loved one has a life-threatening illness, even routine tasks can feel overwhelming. It’s one of the most difficult times anyone can go through. Many people wish to stay at home in a familiar environment during these hard times, so at Gocare we offer trained, experienced, compassionate staff who can give personalized care at home from the time of diagnosis until after death.

We understand that coming to terms with illness and palliative care at home can be distressing and difficult for everybody involved. We will put together a plan that reflects the needs and wishes of people reaching the end of their lives, and those of their loved ones.

Our carers each respect and understand the need for trust, sensitivity, dignity and personal choice. We provide support for domestic and personal requirements and we will assist with medication needs, and help to manage symptoms where possible. We will deliver care in a way that fits with people’s preferences and spiritual requirements, keep them as comfortable as possible, and make sure they have the best quality of life that we can offer. We aim to give clients as much control over how they live their final weeks and days as they would want.

We understand that it is not just the person receiving palliative care at home that needs looking after, but their own loved ones too. We will act as a support system, giving practical advice and emotional care to our client’s family members and friends as they go through the complex and confusing challenges of diagnosis, acceptance, bereavement, and grief.